Puppy Training Classes

5 - Week Puppy Class Course
Specially Designed for Developing Puppies

Next Starting Dates:

Saturday 21st December @ 9:00 AM

Tuesday 14th of January @ 6:30 PM

Saturday 15th February @ 9:00 AM

Saturday 29th March @ 9:00 AM

Saturday 10th May @ 9:00 AM

Saturday 14th June @ 9:00 AM

Specifically designed for developing puppies: 8 – 17 weeks old.



Enrolling your puppy in puppy school is one of the most important things you can do for them and your family!

Puppy training classes prepares your pup for the human world and See Spot Learn is on of the best puppy training schools in Auckland that can help you in your training journey.

The purpose of puppy training classes is not just to help your puppy learn basic training skills and good manners at a young age but to help them build their confidence, create positive associations, and gives you both the life skills you will need to navigate the challenges of life events and situations.

Studies have shown that early appropriate exposure and positive socialisation experiences play a significant role in shaping a dog’s behaviour in adulthood. A lack of early and ongoing exposure and training can be detrimental to the dogs’ well-being and can lead to fear and anxiety towards new people, animals, and environments, that may contribute to dog reactivity later in life.

Socialisation doesn’t just refer to dogs playing amongst themselves but the entire process of learning. That includes gradually exposing the puppy to different things in a gentle manner, without overwhelming them, and causing the pup any fear within the first 16 weeks of their lives.  They should not be made to feel stressed when being exposed to different situations and environments.

After 16 weeks you are not able to socialise your puppy in the way you think anymore.

After the sensitive period for socialisation ends, puppies enter a new stage of development where they become more cautious and may start to show fear towards new experiences. This is because their brains soak up everything they experience like little sponges until the 16-week mark. Thereafter the brain begins to not be so “open-minded” to new things and experiences. This period is known as the fear period and typically occurs between 4 – 6 months of age (Scott & Fuller, 1965). During this period, it is important for puppy parents to continue to expose their pup to positive experiences to help them overcome any fear and anxieties in a gentle manner.

Young puppies are very impressionable, and their earliest experiences can have lasting effects on their behaviour. We use scientifically proven, reward-based methods to encourage a fun and effective way for your puppy to learn. Our five-week puppy class course is specially designed by an accredited behaviourist and is tailored around your puppy’s physical and emotional well-being. The course works on basic training skills, environmental management, puppy behaviour and development, confidence-building exercises, focusing through distractions, and socialisation, as well as how to manage problematic/ undesired behaviours in a kind and gentle manner.

We gently expose your puppy to different situations while creating a positive association with those situations at the same time. We start with small exercises and build up to bigger tasks, this process sets you and your puppy up for success from the very beginning. We want to help our puppy parents gain the knowledge and skills to prevent future behavioural problems.

Puppy Parents will receive expert advice about: 

  • Positive reinforcement principles for effective learning.
  • Working through fear periods during your pup’s development and preparing you for adolescence.
  • Preparing your puppy for life events like vet visits and grooming through comfortable handling.
  • Help with common puppy challenges: nipping, chewing, house training, and jumping up.
  • Tips and tricks to help your puppy learn to come when called using fun games.
  • Dog body language and how to understand what your puppy is communicating. 
  • Environment management strategies to prevent unwanted behaviours at home.
  • Preventive measures for resource guarding, leash reactivity, separation distress, and more as your puppy grows older.

Puppies will Learn:

  • Important training cues and hand signals: sit, down, stand, ‘close’ (walk with me), fetch, ‘drop it’.

  • Leash and walk training.

  • Focus skills.

  • Impulse control: “wait” and preventing jumping up.

  • Foundation of recall training: coming when called.

  • Begin to learn how to work through distractions.

  • Play, fetch, and other engaging games.

  • Body awareness and confidence-building exercises.

  • Social skills around other dogs and people. 

  • Relaxation skills to promote calm behaviour.

  • Crate training, & so much more!

All exercises are taught as fun games, and together you will work as a team through humane, science-based training techniques in a comfortable and encouraging atmosphere. Our classes are small and inclusive.

After each session, you’ll receive detailed step-by-step homework guide, training videos, and a course completion certificate. Our Puppy Class (Level 1) is an hour long.

You have an option to progress to our Life Skills (Level 2) Class after graduation to continue your training journey. We also provide one-on-one in-home puppy training. 

Come and join one of the best puppy training classes in Auckland, and become a part of our See Spot Learn family by enrolling now!

Follow our Facebook page for informative content on dog training and behaviour.